The Bells Reviews the Biola Film "The Bacchae"
The movie begins with a blaring alarm clock. Maggie, the film's main protagonist, wakes up abruptly; a look of sadness strewn across her...
"Alright guys, this one's called Wonderwall," says Todd Pickett
"And a one and a two and a three and a four," said Todd Pickett as he passionately strummed his guitar.
The Bells' 5 Tips for Surviving Finals Week
As finals week approaches, the pressure placed on students increases. We at the Bells are here to help. Here are a few tips to get you...
"How does this fling-flangled thing work?" Declares Frustrated DBC
If you were at chapel this morning, you had the opportunity to have your ID card scanned by DBC himself! Unfortunately he had a hard time...
Breaking news this morning as it was reported that Todd Pickett has been missing for over 48 hours. The last know sighting of Pickett was...
OVERHEARD@BIOLA Admins Gather in the Grove to Discuss new Policies
Yesterday admins of the Facebook group OVERHEARD@BIOLA gathered in the Grove to discuss new policies. The admins, photographed below, can...
BREAKING: Spiritual Development to ban Sitting in Chairs in Sutherland
BREAKING: In a statement delivered this morning, Spiritual Development announced they will now require students to sit on the floor in...
"Ooh! Owie! Ooh! My back is sore, if only there were seats I could sit in with comfortable back
"Ooh! Owie! Ooh!" exclaims junior Joseph Hernandez, "My back is sore, if only there were seats I could sit in with comfortable back...
Student Casually Slips Chapel Scanner $5 Bill to Gain Balcony Access
BREAKING: The Bells has found evidence of bribery within the Chapel program. This morning at chapel, Biola sophomore Ricky Morris was...
Special Place in Hell Reserved for Line-Cutters
Yes, spiritual warfare is real. Even at Biola University. Even during Torrey Conference. Reports of students cutting in line have caused...