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Student Called to Minister to Genovia

Jen Thomas, a Undeclared freshman, watched the flag bearers run through Chase Gymnasium this Wednesday morning with awe and enthusiasm. However, as the final bearers made their rounds, Jen felt something missing. After considerable contemplation, she realized there was one important country left out from the parade: the beautiful and the damned land of Genovia. It was in that moment, as she sipped the last of her 6-shot iced Americano, that she felt the calling. If a school as spirit-filled and missions-focused and Gospel-centered as Biola had overlooked the entire country of Genovia, who would respond to their need?

“Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?”

Isaiah 6:8

Jen would. Send her.

She spoke to one of our journalists covering the conference immediately after the session, announcing completely serious plans to lead an SMU trip to Genovia just as soon as she gets clearance. For those of you who don’t know (and here at The Bells, we are ashamed to admit we did not), Genovia is apparently a country and it’s apparently pretty awesome.

Here are a few facts that we found on the World Wide Web, for those of you who may be interested in joining Jen in some way to reach that heavenly but heathenly country of Genovia:

1. A recent regime change has caused a shift in Genovian culture from good, traditional values to evil, modern ones.

2. They have castles to house all of their many atheists.

3. They are famous for their pears, so no need to pack any if you go! There will be some there.

That's about all we can find right now, but do we really need any more reasons to love Genovia and save it from the fiery pits of eternal damnation? We think not!

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