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Brave Student Saves Collapsing Trombone Player

Junior Nursing student Emilio Castro's baby sitting emergency response training came in handy tonight as the Kings Kaleidoscope trombone player collapsed.

"It was my last session of the day," Emilio says, "and I had noticed that the trombone player kept sounding more and more weak. Being a past trombone player myself I understood the strain of playing all day, especially when playing a song such as 'Christ Alone' so many times." (8 times to be exact).

After attending each session and breakout in Crowell music hall, Emilio explains that he had become acquainted to the awkwardly quiet music.

"After being in the overflow room in Crowell all day I had noticed, through the strain to hear the music, that the trombone player continued to become more and more faint as he played. At first I just thought that it was the low volume that the music was being played at but I had a hunch that it was something much worse," recalled Emilio.

Emilio decided he needed to run and save the trombone player. As the first days worship came to an end, Emilio ran from Crowell to the Gym, forfeiting his conference credit, to save the trombone player. He ran up to the stage and caught the trombone player as the he began to collapse. Unable to play any more the trombone player pleaded for Emilio to play.

"I hadn't picked up a trombone in years; but, somehow it all came rushing back to me. I'm just so glad that God placed me in the right place and the right time and had the foresight to give me trombone lessons when I was in elementary school."

Unfortunately Emilio was unable to receive chapel credit because he left early.

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