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Beautiful Sunset Causes Spontaneous Proposal On Parking Structure

La Mirada, CA -- Yesterday’s beautiful sunset not only triggered half a dozen Instagram posts, but it also lead to a slightly more serious matter: A recent engagement.

Catelyn Baenr retold the entire incident to our staff.

“It was literally everything I wanted. It was so Biola, so perfect," recalled Baenr, "We had just finished spending the day at Disneyland, we were sitting on the hood of his Honda Civic, The 1975 playing through the car speakers. The moment he put down his In-N-Out shake, I knew something was off.” Garther Kennoldton, freshman Linguistic Anthropology major, explains what he was thinking at the time. “I was staring at the sunset, and I knew this was a special moment. Me and Catie got coffee last week, but with Biola’s dating culture, I was essentially asking her to marry me right then and there. So I figured, why not pop the question?”

Catelyn was so surprised when she saw Garther getting on one knee, she decided to join him too.

“I lean a little egalitarian in my theology, so I always envisioned myself proposing to my future husband. So, I decided to join him on one knee. It was so tender. We cried, and prayed, and cried, and we asked each other to marry one another. We said yes.”

We reached out to Garther's father to comment on the situation via telephone. He hung up almost immediately after we asked our first question, merely stating “HE DID WHAT ---”

Catie’s parents weren’t able to be reached due to them boarding an “emergency flight to La Mirada."

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