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Sigma Hall To Allow Pets In Rooms

Undergraduate housing is proud to announce a new discount for residents of Sigma Hall. ResLife announced Monday that Biolans will be able to bring pets to school with them exclusively in the residence hall. During the 2014-2015 calendar year, students who live in Sigma will each be given a $500 discount.

“We are excited to bring new life into Sigma this coming year,” said Sigma Residence Director Jeremiah Wakowski. “This will foster a new sense of community and draw more students to Upper Campus. Of course, there will be restrictions.”

Campus Safety has worked alongside ResLife to set up realistic regulations for pets on campus. Below are the tentative rules:

Applications will be going out soon for students to bring their pets onto campus. ResLife will work closely with undergraduates to select pets that will improve the atmosphere of Biola.

“The selection process is intense,” Wakowski said. “There is a mandatory meet-and-greet with members of ResLife along with a week of ‘Pet Orientation’ the week before classes begin. But, all in all we are humbled to have this opportunity at Biola. This will be a new way for students and faculty alike to glorify God and grow a greater appreciation for his creation.”

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