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Scandal Rocks Botka•Fu Campaign Days Before Election

It has been a successful and clean cut campaign season turned sour over the past few days, as recent weekend events have come to light about one campaign team.

Stewart Hall resident advisor Matthew Reynolds snapped a photo late Saturday night and recently leaked it to members of The Bells and high ranking Biola officials.

Pictured in the image is Creek Park presidential candidate Kevin Botka, surrounded by several girls and a floating body, and clearly not wanting to be photographed. Campus Safety did a thorough sweep of the pictured hot tub and surrounding area, but could find no evidence of illicit activity.

Botka, along with running mate and vice presidential candidate Zachary Fu, have taken the Biola and Creek Park communities by storm over the lengthy, week-long campaigning season.

Even more interesting is the diversity of the photo. Also pictured in the questionable photo is JJ Carroll, face down and clearly out of his mind. Carroll, who just recently announced his bid for Creek Park SMU president, is known for his crazy, party-like antics. Recent campus celebrity status is believed to have gone to his head, causing him to suffer from Sean Parker-like symptoms.

Also pictured is high ranking admissions official, student ambassador Katrina Largusa, and overly involved student Taylor Crouch. Interestingly enough, Crouch serves as the campaign manager for Associated Student body president and vice president candidates Tyler Hormel and Ashley Panko. This may just be the tip of the iceberg in a behind the scenes, back alley, wheeling and dealing move to another campaign team.

Despite the clear validity of the photo, Botka believes that foul play could be involved.

“I think I should hire whoever did the Photoshop to come work for The Bells,” Botka said.

This would not be the first attempt to derail the two from achieving their goal to head up Creek Park. Last Friday night, the campaign team spoke out on their Facebook page against a video made by a group titled “The Association to Rid Botka•Fu.”

The video is a startling montage that points out multiple flaws of Botka and Fu, including the most alarming, “Initiating operation... no more Missions Conference... no more Mock Rock... no more Erik Thoennes.”

Fu took to Facebook later that night, urging voters to stand strong.

“Kevin and I are shocked that people would make conspiracy claims like this. We promise that these things are not true, and we want to publicly forgive those who were behind it,” Fu said, ending the post with the hashtag, “StandWithBotkaFu.”

As of now, Botka and Fu are running unopposed. The AS election committee will have some big decisions to make concerning the future of Botka•Fu. Even if allowed to continue in the elections race, the real question will be whether the voters stand with them.

“I think the voters are smart enough to look past all the negative press and see us for who we really are,” Botka said.

One way or another, Kevin Botka and Zachary Fu have a lot of questions to answer.

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